Why is Fortnite so bad now? TOP 4 Reasons

Why is Fortnite so bad now? TOP 4 Reasons Why It's "So" Bad

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If you’ve played Fortnite, chances are that you’re sick of hearing about it. The game has become so popular that it is almost impossible to step away from it for long. And in the past few months, the game has taken a turn for the worse. Epic Games rolled out two major content updates in January—the first being Season 4 and the latter being Season 5. These updates were supposed to introduce some much-needed gameplay changes but broke many things. Let’s take a look at why Fortnite is “so” bad now:

Season 4: The big one that broke everything

The Season 4 Battle Pass introduced the “Map Glitch.” The concept of the Battle Pass is to give players a new item they can use to unlock items related to the Battle Pass. For example, one Battle Pass item is a spray that gives you a “head start” of 50m while other Battle Pass items are a “raptor glider” or “shack glider.” However, the Season 4 Battle Pass allowed players to use the “Map Glitch” to get unlimited hidden Battle Pass rewards.

The Map Glitch is when you look at the map and see a very thin blue line that you can walk or drive through. You will “pop” up somewhere else on the map right after you do that. Your position won’t change, so you can walk or drive to any location you want, but you won’t be able to see other players or interact with anything. This allowed players to exploit the map glitch to get Battle Pass items for free. And as Battle Passes are cumulative, this meant that entire servers started grinding through the season Battle Passes quickly, resulting in many people not unlocking anything.

Season 5: The little one that broke a lot more

Season 5 was supposed to be the season of new content and gameplay improvements. And at first glance, it seems like it did exactly that. New Battle Pass rewards, a new map, new gameplay changes, and new game modes—all in one season. However, the actual content wasn’t the problem like the previous season. It was the way they were implemented that resulted in a lot of broken things. For example, the new map, the new game mode, and the new pickaxe had to be implemented in the game as soon as possible to keep up with the frenetic pace of Season 4’s map rotation.

Thus, they had to be added in the Season 5 patch, and they were. But they were changed, adjusted, and modified until they were broken. The new map, the new game mode, and the new pickaxe ended up being a load-balancing nightmare, resulting in many server errors and unstable gameplay. This, in turn, led to a lot of frustration from the players.

Playground mode and the new map

The new map in Season 5 was called the “Playground” map, and it was supposed to be a place where players could experiment and try out new things in a safe environment. The problem was that the new map, game mode, and pickaxe were all changed, adjusted, and modified until they were broken.

And so, the “Playground” map ended up being a sea of floating rocks, a place where you could throw yourself off, and a playground for the game’s new pickaxe. This wasn’t exactly what the game was supposed to be about. The new game mode was supposed to be “Playground” but ended up being a mishmash of different game modes. This, again, wasn’t exactly what the game was supposed to be about.

New game modes and more gameplay changes

While all of the content related to the new map and the new game mode was a load-balancing nightmare, the new gameplay changes were a welcome change. The new gameplay changes were welcome as they tried to improve the gameplay. The new changes allowed you to aim down and shoot your gun or aim up and shoot your rocket launcher. This was a welcome change and resulted in positive feedback from the players.


This wasn’t just a random change or an attempt to improve the game. The new gameplay changes were a result of extensive research and consultation with the players, including a vast survey that was sent to every single Fortnite player. And what’s worse is that the changes were supposed to be in place for at least Season 6, but now they’re probably gone for good. The problem is that the new gameplay changes were too excellent and impactful.

They broke a lot of things, and they were implemented in a very rushed manner. Every change they implemented should’ve been pared down, tested thoroughly, and only implemented if everything worked smoothly. Instead, they were implemented in a very broken state. And now, we’re expected to play with these new gameplay changes when they’re probably gone forever? I mean, this is how we got here, right?
